Meatloaf Patriots
Adult Contemporary acoustic Hip Hop and soft rock favorites
Schedule of shows coming soon
A message to our fans
It has come to our attention that city leaders in Dallas are discussing plans to rename Jefferson High School for recently deceased Jefferson alum and one-hit wonder Meat Loaf. While we support all efforts to update school and government building names to reflect a commitment to inclusiveness, we take issue with Dallas leaders' plans to honor the school's original heritage by keeping the Patriot mascot. We have seen early drafts of the new Dallas Meat Loaf High School Patriots graphics package which includes logos and graphics that read "Meat Loaf Patriots."
As you know, dear fan, Meatloaf Patriots, the band, has been a group in one form or another for over 20 years, bringing adult contemporary acoustic hip hop and soft rock favorites to boutique coffee shops and drop-off child care centers nestled in L and U shaped suburban commercial centers, often at major cross streets like Plano Road and Renner or North Garland Avenue and Buckingham. As such, we want you to know it is our full intention to file for a restraining order against Dallas city leaders to protect our name.
What can you do?
Let the Dallas leaders who want to steal our name know how you feel by leaving feedback at their website.
THE REAL Meatloaf Patriots